"Just for You" Commissioned Painting 8"x10"
"Just for You" Commissioned Painting 8"x10"
Hello! Would you like an original piece of art that is painted in my fun and whimsical style?! The size will be an 8"x10” painted with acrylics and sometimes using mixed media.
Please email me 3 images that best represent what you would like and a brief description at time of purchase.
Please note that it could take 4-6 weeks to complete and ship.
Because original will be completed using my personal creative energy and it will be painted to reflect your custom interest, the final piece of art will not be available for returns.
It will be created with love!
Hello! Would you like an original piece of art that is painted in my fun and whimsical style?! The size will be an 8"x10” painted with acrylics and sometimes using mixed media.
Please email me 3 images that best represent what you would like and a brief description at time of purchase.
Please note that it could take 4-6 weeks to complete and ship.
Because original will be completed using my personal creative energy and it will be painted to reflect your custom interest, the final piece of art will not be available for returns.
It will be created with love!